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Version: 9.4.12.v20180830
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Non-Persistent Sessions

Non-clustered, non-persistent, in-memory-only is the default style of session management. In previous versions of Jetty this was referred to as "hash" sessions, as they were stored in a HashMap in memory.

This is delivered by a combination of the DefaultSessionCache (to keep sessions in memory) and a NullSessionDataStore (to avoid session persistence).

If you do nothing, Jetty will instantiate one of each of these objects for each context at startup time using hard-coded defaults.

To explicitly set up non-persisted sessions using modules, use both the session-cache-hash and the session-store-null modules.

Enabling the modules allows you to configure behavior - see the L1 Session Cache for detailed information on configuration options for the DefaultSessionCache. The NullSessionDataStore has no customizable options.

See an error or something missing? Contribute to this documentation at Github!(Generated: 2018-08-30)