DO NOT EDIT - See: [description] Enables a low resource monitor on the server that can take actions if threads and/or connections cross configured threshholds. [depend] server [xml] etc/jetty-lowresources.xml [ini-template] ## Scan period to look for low resources (in milliseconds) # jetty.lowresources.period=1000 ## The idle timeout to apply to low resources (in milliseconds) # jetty.lowresources.idleTimeout=1000 ## Whether to monitor ThreadPool threads for low resources # jetty.lowresources.monitorThreads=true ## Max number of connections allowed before being in low resources mode # jetty.lowresources.maxConnections=0 ## Max memory allowed before being in low resources mode (in bytes) # jetty.lowresources.maxMemory=0 ## Max time a resource may stay in low resource mode before actions are taken (in milliseconds) # jetty.lowresources.maxLowResourcesTime=5000 ## Accept new connections while in low resources # jetty.lowresources.accepting=true