DO NOT EDIT - See: [description] Adds support for servlet specification webapplication to the server classpath. Without this, only Jetty specific handlers may be deployed. [depend] servlet security [xml] etc/jetty-webapp.xml [lib] lib/jetty-webapp-${jetty.version}.jar [ini-template] ## Add to the server wide default jars and packages protected or hidden from webapps. ## System classes are protected and cannot be overridden by a webapp. ## Server classes are hidden and cannot be seen by a webapp ## Lists of patterns are comma separated and may be either: ## + a qualified classname e.g. 'com.acme.Foo' ## + a package name e.g. 'net.example.' ## + a jar file e.g. '${jetty.base.uri}/lib/dependency.jar' ## + a directory of jars,resource or classes e.g. '${jetty.base.uri}/resources' ## + A pattern preceded with a '-' is an exclusion, all other patterns are inclusions ## ## The +=, operator appends to a CSV list with a comma as needed. ## #jetty.webapp.addSystemClasses+=,org.example. #jetty.webapp.addServerClasses+=,org.example.