#=========================================================== # Jetty Startup # # Starting Jetty from this {jetty.home} is not recommended. # # A proper {jetty.base} directory should be configured, instead # of making changes to this {jetty.home} directory. # # See documentation about {jetty.base} at # http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/current/startup.html # # A demo-base directory has been provided as an example of # this sort of setup. # # $ cd demo-base # $ java -jar ../start.jar # #=========================================================== # To disable the warning message, comment the following line --module=home-base-warning # --------------------------------------- # Module: ext # Adds all jar files discovered in $JETTY_HOME/lib/ext # and $JETTY_BASE/lib/ext to the servers classpath. # --------------------------------------- --module=ext # --------------------------------------- # Module: server # Enables the core Jetty server on the classpath. # --------------------------------------- --module=server ### Common HTTP configuration ## Scheme to use to build URIs for secure redirects # jetty.httpConfig.secureScheme=https ## Port to use to build URIs for secure redirects # jetty.httpConfig.securePort=8443 ## Response content buffer size (in bytes) # jetty.httpConfig.outputBufferSize=32768 ## Max response content write length that is buffered (in bytes) # jetty.httpConfig.outputAggregationSize=8192 ## Max request headers size (in bytes) # jetty.httpConfig.requestHeaderSize=8192 ## Max response headers size (in bytes) # jetty.httpConfig.responseHeaderSize=8192 ## Whether to send the Server: header # jetty.httpConfig.sendServerVersion=true ## Whether to send the Date: header # jetty.httpConfig.sendDateHeader=false ## Max per-connection header cache size (in nodes) # jetty.httpConfig.headerCacheSize=4096 ## Whether, for requests with content, delay dispatch until some content has arrived # jetty.httpConfig.delayDispatchUntilContent=true ## Maximum number of error dispatches to prevent looping # jetty.httpConfig.maxErrorDispatches=10 ## Cookie compliance mode of: RFC2965, RFC6265 # jetty.httpConfig.cookieCompliance=RFC6265 ## multipart/form-data compliance mode of: LEGACY(slow), RFC7578(fast) # jetty.httpConfig.multiPartFormDataCompliance=LEGACY ### Server configuration ## Whether ctrl+c on the console gracefully stops the Jetty server # jetty.server.stopAtShutdown=true ## Timeout in ms to apply when stopping the server gracefully # jetty.server.stopTimeout=5000 ## Dump the state of the Jetty server, components, and webapps after startup # jetty.server.dumpAfterStart=false ## Dump the state of the Jetty server, components, and webapps before shutdown # jetty.server.dumpBeforeStop=false # --------------------------------------- # Module: jsp # Enables JSP for all webapplications deployed on the server. # --------------------------------------- --module=jsp # --------------------------------------- # Module: resources # Adds the $JETTY_HOME/resources and/or $JETTY_BASE/resources # directory to the server classpath. Useful for configuration # property files (eg jetty-logging.properties) # --------------------------------------- --module=resources # --------------------------------------- # Module: deploy # Enables webapplication deployment from the webapps directory. # --------------------------------------- --module=deploy # Monitored directory name (relative to $jetty.base) # jetty.deploy.monitoredDir=webapps # - OR - # Monitored directory path (fully qualified) # jetty.deploy.monitoredPath=/var/www/webapps # Defaults Descriptor for all deployed webapps # jetty.deploy.defaultsDescriptorPath=${jetty.base}/etc/webdefault.xml # Monitored directory scan period (seconds) # jetty.deploy.scanInterval=1 # Whether to extract *.war files # jetty.deploy.extractWars=true # --------------------------------------- # Module: jstl # Enables JSTL for all webapplications deployed on the server # --------------------------------------- --module=jstl # --------------------------------------- # Module: websocket # Enable websockets for deployed web applications # --------------------------------------- --module=websocket # --------------------------------------- # Module: http # Enables a HTTP connector on the server. # By default HTTP/1 is support, but HTTP2C can # be added to the connector with the http2c module. # --------------------------------------- --module=http ### HTTP Connector Configuration ## Connector host/address to bind to # jetty.http.host= ## Connector port to listen on # jetty.http.port=8080 ## Connector idle timeout in milliseconds # jetty.http.idleTimeout=30000 ## Number of acceptors (-1 picks default based on number of cores) # jetty.http.acceptors=-1 ## Number of selectors (-1 picks default based on number of cores) # jetty.http.selectors=-1 ## ServerSocketChannel backlog (0 picks platform default) # jetty.http.acceptorQueueSize=0 ## Thread priority delta to give to acceptor threads # jetty.http.acceptorPriorityDelta=0 ## Connect Timeout in milliseconds # jetty.http.connectTimeout=15000 ## HTTP Compliance: RFC7230, RFC7230_LEGACY, RFC2616, RFC2616_LEGACY, LEGACY or CUSTOMn # jetty.http.compliance=RFC7230_LEGACY