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Version: 9.4.12.v20180830
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Limiting Form Content

Configuring Form Limits for a Webapp
Configuring Form Limits for the Server

Form content sent to the server is processed by Jetty into a map of parameters to be used by the web application. This can be vulnerable to denial of service (DOS) attacks since significant memory and CPU can be consumed if a malicious clients sends very large form content or large number of form keys. Thus Jetty limits the amount of data and keys that can be in a form posted to Jetty.

The default maximum size Jetty permits is 200000 bytes and 1000 keys. You can change this default for a particular webapp or for all webapps on a particular Server instance.

Configuring Form Limits for a Webapp

To configure the form limits for a single web application, the context handler (or webappContext) instance must be configured using the following methods:

ContextHandler.setMaxFormContentSize(int maxSizeInBytes);
ContextHandler.setMaxFormKeys(int formKeys);

These methods may be called directly when embedding Jetty, but more commonly are configured from a context XML file or WEB-INF/jetty-web.xml file:

<Configure class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext">


  <Set name="maxFormContentSize">200000</Set>
  <Set name="maxFormKeys">200</Set>

Configuring Form Limits for the Server

If a context does not have specific form limits configured, then the server attributes are inspected to see if a server wide limit has been set on the size or keys. The following XML shows how these attributes can be set in jetty.xml:

<configure class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server">


  <Call name="setAttribute">
  <Call name="setAttribute">

See an error or something missing? Contribute to this documentation at Github!(Generated: 2018-08-30)