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Version: 9.4.12.v20180830
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Persistent Sessions: MongoDB

Enabling MongoDB Sessions
Configuring MongoDB Session Properties

Enabling MongoDB Sessions

When using the Jetty distribution, you will first need to enable the session-store-mongo module for your Jetty base using the --add-to-start argument on the command line.

$ java -jar ../start.jar --create-startd
INFO : Base directory was modified

$ java -jar ../start.jar --add-to-start=session-store-mongo

ALERT: There are enabled module(s) with licenses.
The following 1 module(s):
 + contains software not provided by the Eclipse Foundation!
 + contains software not covered by the Eclipse Public License!
 + has not been audited for compliance with its license

 Module: session-store-mongo
  + The java driver for the MongoDB document-based database system is hosted on GitHub and released under the Apache 2.0 license.

Proceed (y/N)? y
INFO  : server          transitively enabled, ini template available with --add-to-start=server
INFO  : sessions        transitively enabled, ini template available with --add-to-start=sessions
INFO  : session-store-mongo initialized in ${jetty.base}/start.d/session-store-mongo.ini
INFO  : sessions/mongo/address dynamic dependency of session-store-mongo
MKDIR : ${jetty.base}/lib/nosql
DOWNLD: to ${jetty.base}/lib/nosql/mongo-java-driver-2.13.2.jar
INFO  : Base directory was modified

Doing this enables the MongoDB Session module and any dependent modules or files needed for it to run on the server. The example above is using a fresh ${jetty.base} with nothing else enabled.

Because MongoDB is not a technology provided by the Eclipse Foundation, users are prompted to assent to the licenses of the external vendor (Apache in this case). When the --add-to-start argument was added to the command line, it enabled the the session-store-mongo module as well as the sessions and server modules, which are required for MongoDB session management to operate.. It also downloaded the needed Mongo-specific jar file and created a directory named ${jetty.base}/lib/nosql/ to house it.

In addition to adding these modules to the classpath of the server, several ini configuration files were added to the ${jetty.base}/start.d directory.


If you have updated versions of the jar files automatically downloaded by Jetty, you can place them in the associated ${jetty.base}/lib/ directory and use the --skip-file-validation=<module name> command line option to prevent errors when starting your server.

Configuring MongoDB Session Properties

Opening the start.d/session-store-mongo.ini will show a list of all the configurable options for the MongoDB module:

# ---------------------------------------
# Module: session-store-mongo
# Enables NoSql session management with a MongoDB driver.
# ---------------------------------------



Amount of time, in seconds, to wait for other nodes to be checked to verify an expired session is in fact expired throughout the cluster before closing it.

By default whenever the last concurrent request leaves a session, that session is always persisted via the SessionDataStore, even if the only thing that changed on the session is its updated last access time. A non-zero value means that the SessionDataStore will skip persisting the session if only the access time changed, and it has been less than savePeriod seconds since the last time the session was written.


Configuring savePeriod is useful if your persistence technology is very slow/costly for writes. In a clustered environment, there is a risk of the last access time of the session being out-of-date in the shared store for up to savePeriod seconds. This allows the possibility that a node may prematurely expire the session, even though it is in use by another node. Thorough consideration of the maxIdleTime of the session when setting the savePeriod is imperative - there is no point in setting a savePeriod that is larger than the maxIdleTime.

Name of the database in Mongo used to store the Session collection.
Name of the collection in Mongo used to keep all of the Sessions.
Amount of time, in seconds, to wait for other nodes to be checked to verify an expired session is in fact expired throughout the cluster before closing it.

Used when utilizing a direct connection to the Mongo server.
Host name or address for the remote Mongo instance.
Port number for the remote Mongo instance.

Used when utilizing MongoURI for secured connections.


The string defining the MongoURI value, such as mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]]. More information on how to format the MongoURI string can be found in the official documentation for mongo.


You will only use one connection-type at a time, address or uri. If both are utilized in your session-store-mongo.ini, only the last connection-type configured in the file will be used. By default, the connection-type of address is used.

See an error or something missing? Contribute to this documentation at Github!(Generated: 2018-08-30)