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Version: 9.4.12.v20180830
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Deploying Web Applications

Jetty Demonstration Web Applications

Jetty server instances that configure the deploy module will have a web application deployer that hot deploys files found in the webapps directory. Standard WAR files and Jetty configuration files that are placed in the webapps directory are hot deployed to the server with the following conventions:

If you have a standard web application, you can hot deploy it into Jetty by copying it into the webapps directory.

Jetty Demonstration Web Applications

The demo-base/webapps directory contains the following deployable and auxiliary files:

A directory of static content that is deployed to the root context / due to it’s name. Contains the Jetty demo welcome page.
A directory containing additional configuration files used by test.xml to inject extra configuration into test.war.
A context configuration file that configures and deploys test.war. The additional configuration includes the context path as well as setting additional descriptors found in the test.d directory.
The demonstration web application that is configured and deployed by test.xml.
A web application demonstration of asynchronous REST to eBay, automatically deployed to /async-rest based on the file name.
A demonstration web application utilizing JAAS for authentication.
A context configuration file that configures test-jaas.war. Additional configuration includes setting up the LoginService for authentication and authorization.
A demonstration web application showing the use of JNDI.
A context configuration file that configures test-jndi.war. Additional configuration includes defining objects in the naming space that can be referenced from the webapp.
A demonstration web application that shows the use of annotations, fragments, ServletContainerInitializers and other Servlet Specification 3.0/3.1 features.
A context configuration file that configures test-spec.war. Additional configuration includes setting up some objects in the naming space that can be referenced by annotations.
A demonstration web application that uses a transparent proxy to serve the Jetty source Javadoc from the Eclipse Jetty website.
A demonstration context configuration file that shows how to use the MovedContextHandler to redirect from one path to another.

See an error or something missing? Contribute to this documentation at Github!(Generated: 2018-08-30)