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Version: 9.4.12.v20180830
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Chapter 36. Upgrading Jetty

Table of Contents

Upgrading from Jetty 9.3.x to Jetty 9.4.0

Upgrading from Jetty 9.3.x to Jetty 9.4.0

The purpose of this guide is to assist users migrating from Jetty 9.3.x to 9.4.0. It is not comprehensive, but covers many of the major changes included in the release that may prove as problem areas for users.

The Script

The file, typically used to start Jetty as a service in Linux/Unix machines underwent only small changes, such as the addition of LSB tags.

You can safely replace the file packaged with Jetty 9.3 with the version found in Jetty 9.4.

Removed Classes

ConcurrentArrayQueue was removed from use in Jetty 9.3 and the class has been removed entirely as part of Jetty 9.4.

Module Changes in Jetty 9.4

Jetty 9.3 ModuleJetty 9.4 Module




session-store-infinispan-embedded or session-store-infinispan-remote



gcloud-memcached-sessions, gcloud-session-idmgr and gcloud-sessions

session-store-gcloud and session-store-cache



Logging Modules

The module logging is no longer available in Jetty 9.4.

The logging module structure present in Jetty 9.3 has been replaced with a more fine-grained structure in Jetty 9.4, so that you have now more choices available that are also easier to configure.

The migration path is different depending on whether you have completely customized this module or not.

If you have a Jetty 9.3 installation, and you have both $jetty.base/modules/logging.mod and $jetty.base/etc/jetty-logging.xml, then this module is local to your $jetty.base setup and will be used by Jetty 9.4 as before. No changes are required for your implementation.

If either $jetty.base/modules/logging.mod or $jetty.base/etc/jetty-logging.xml are missing, then you were relying on those present in $jetty.home, which were present in Jetty 9.3, but are no longer available in Jetty 9.4.

The Jetty 9.3 logging module has been renamed to console-capture in Jetty 9.4. You need to open your Jetty 9.3 start.ini and replace the references to the logging modules with console-capture.

For example, in an existing Jetty 9.3 start.ini file the module declaration for logging would look like this:


In 9.4, it should be replaced by:


The properties that may be present in your Jetty 9.3’s start.ini, such as jetty.logging.retainDays will still be working in Jetty 9.4, but a warning will be printed at Jetty 9.4 startup, saying to replace them with correspondent jetty.console-capture.* properties such as jetty.console-capture.retainDays.

For information on logging modules in the Jetty 9.4 architecture please see the section on configuring logging modules.

Session Management

Session management received a significant overhaul in Jetty 9.4. Session functionality has been refactored to promote code-reuse, easier configuration and easier customization. Whereas previously users needed to edit xml configuration files, in Jetty 9.4 all session behavior is controlled by properties that are exposed by the various session modules. Users now configure session management by selecting a composition of session modules.

Change Overview

Previously there was a different class of SessionIdManager - with different configuration options - depending upon which type of clustering technology chosen. In Jetty 9.4, there is only one type, the org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.DefaultSessionIdManager.

Previously, there was a different class of SessionManager depending upon which the type of clustering technology chosen. In Jetty 9.4 we have removed the SessionManager class and split its functionality into different, more easily extensible and composable classes:

General setters
All of the common setup of sessions such as the maxInactiveInterval and session cookie-related configuration has been moved to the org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler
9.3 SessionManager9.4 SessionHandler



















In Jetty 9.3 SessionManagers (and sometimes SessionIdManagers) implemented the persistence mechanism. In Jetty 9.4 we have moved this functionality into the org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionDataStore.
Session cache
In Jetty 9.3 the SessionManager held a map of session objects in memory. In Jetty 9.4 this has been moved into the new org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionCache interface.

For more information, please refer to the documentation on Jetty Session Architecture.

Default Sessions

As with earlier versions of Jetty, if you do not explicitly configure any session modules, the default session infrastructure will be enabled. In previous versions of Jetty this was referred to as "hash" session management. The new default provides similar features to the old hash session management:

  • A session scavenger thread that runs every 10mins and removes expired sessions
  • A session id manager that generates unique session ids and handles session id sharing during context forwarding
  • An in-memory cache of session objects.

Requests for the same session in the same context share the same session object. Session objects remain in the cache until they expire or are explicitly invalidated.

If you wish to configure the default setup further, enable the session-cache-hash module.


As Session objects do not persist beyond a server restart, there are no compatibility issues.

Sessions using the Filesystem

In earlier versions of Jetty, persisting sessions to the local filesystem was an option of the "hash" session manager. In Jetty 9.4 this has been refactored to its own configurable module session-store-file.


Sessions stored to files by earlier versions of jetty are not compatible with jetty-9.4 sessions. Here is a comparison of file formats, note that the file contents are listed in order of file output:

Jetty 9.3Jetty 9.4

File name: sessionid

File name: expirytime_contextpath_vhost_sessionid

sessionid (utf)

sessionid (utf)


contextpath (utf)


vhost (utf)

nodeid (utf)

lastnode (utf)

createtime (long)

createtime (long)

accessed (long)

accessed (long)


lastaccessed (long)


cookiesettime (long)


expiry (long)

requests (int)


maxInactive (long)

attributes size (int)

attributes size (int)

attributes serialized (obj)

attributes serialized (obj)

maxInactive (long)



Session data is now only loaded when requested. Previous functionality such as setLazyLoad has been removed.

JDBC Sessions

As with earlier versions of Jetty, sessions may be persisted to a relational database. Enable the session-store-jdbc module.


Sessions stored to the database by earlier versions of jetty are not compatible with jetty-9.4 sessions. The incompatibility is minor: in jetty-9.4 the rowid primary key column is no longer used, and the primary key is a composite of (sessionid,contextpath,vhost) columns.

NoSQL Sessions

As with earlier versions of Jetty, sessions may be persisted to a document database. Jetty supports the Mongo document database. Enable the session-store-mongo module.


Sessions stored to mongo by earlier versions of jetty are not compatible with jetty-9.4 sessions. The key for each subdocument that represents the session information for a context is different between jetty-9.3 and 9.4:

Jetty 9.3Jetty 9.4

Each context key is: vhost+context+path, where empty vhosts="::" and root context = "*" and / is replaced by _

Each context key is: vhost:contextpath, where empty vhosts="0_0_0_0" and root context = "" and / replaced by _

eg "::/contextA"

eg " 0_0_0_0:_contextA"

Infinispan Sessions

As with earlier versions of Jetty, sessions may be clustered via Infinispan to either an in-process or remote infinispan instance. Enable the session-store-infinispan module.


Sessions stored in infinispan by jetty-9.3 are incompatible with jetty-9.4. In Jetty 9.3 the serialized object stored to represent the session data was org.eclipse.jetty.session.infinispan.SerializableSessionData. In Jetty 9.4 the serialized object is org.eclipse.jetty.serer.session.SessionData.

GCloud Datastore

As with earlier versions of Jetty, sessions may be persisted to Google’s GCloud Datastore. Enable the session-store-gcloud module.


Sessions stored into GCloud Datastore by Jetty 9.3 are incompatible with Jetty 9.4, although the incompatibility is trivial: the name of the session id entity property has changed:

Jetty 9.3Jetty 9.4

Kind: GCloudSession

Kind: GCloudSession

key: contextpath_vhost_sessionid

key: contextpath_vhost_sessionid

"clusterId": sessionId

"id": sessionId

"contextPath" : contextpath

"contextPath": contextpath

"vhost" : vhost

"vhost": vhost

"accessed": accesstime

"accessed": accesstime

"lastAccessed": lastaccesstime

"lastAccessed": lastaccesstime

"createTime": createtime

"createTime": createtime

"cookieSetTime": cookiesettime

"cookieSetTime": cookiesettime

"lastNode": lastnode

"lastNode": lastnode

"expiry": expiry

"expiry": expiry

"maxInactive": maxInactive

"maxInactive": maxInactive

"attributes": blob

"attributes": blob

GCloud Datastore with Memcached

As with earlier versions of Jetty, sessions can be both persisted to Google’s GCloud Datastore, and cached into Memcached for faster access. Enable the session-store-gcloud and session-store-cache modules.


Sessions stored into Memcached by earlier versions of jetty are incompatible with Jetty 9.4. Previous versions of jetty stored org.eclipse.jetty.gcloud.memcached.session.SerializableSessionData whereas Jetty 9.4 stores org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionData.

See an error or something missing? Contribute to this documentation at Github!(Generated: 2018-08-30)